15 March 2009


If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit

And that right there is some wisdom for y'all to bask in on this fine Sunday morning. I didn't like my totally badass "Iplantedtheflowersonyourgrave" tag thing anymore so I changed it. Hellz; times are a changing! I once changed my clothes so that I can change the way girls look at my mad fashion sense, but it didn't change much. Hence we can draw the conclusion that change does not always lead to more change. Thus we can concur that change is a changing habit. Heh?

Good times. I am officially 20 years old now and I don't really care. Booze killed me again and now I am nursing the wounds. Which means I am almost to lazy to put on a photo to accompany my post, but that would be preposterous. So here is one.

Old cellphone picture I took of a setup out of some coffee table book. Looks interresting I rate.

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